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Supporting St. Joseph
“It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). At St. Joseph Catholic Church, we encourage a culture of giving. Every gift makes an incredible difference to our incredible church, the people of Crescent Springs and our work in the world. Give a single gift online or in person, and you can even set up recurring donations. We are so grateful for your commitment and generosity.

Your Lasting Impact
The tithes and donations you make to St. Joseph Catholic Church make a difference to our church, our ministries, our community, and the people of Crescent Springs. Our Parish serves its parishioners and community in spiritual, educational, ministerial, and social ways. St. Joseph Catholic Church has had the good fortune of many devoted parishioners who have made this parish viable in so many ways. As this church celebrated its centennial anniversary in 2016, St. Joseph Church looks forward to the future to continue its commitment to its parishioners and community.
Ways to Give
Weekly Envelope Contributions
Registered parishioners receive weekly collection envelopes for three months at a time through the mail directly to their homes.
These envelope sets include the general weekly envelope, but also the envelopes for special collections, such as the Assist-a-Student fund, the Building/Maintenance fund, and the Outreach fund.
Included in these envelope sets are the holy day envelopes.
Diocesan collections for such funds as the Religious Retirement, Seminary Education, and various mission causes are also included.
Frequency of contributions is solely up to the parishioner. While weekly helps in tracking against budgets, other frequencies, such as monthly, semi-annually, or annually, are certainly welcome.
eGiving - Faith Direct
Parishioners have the ability to sign up for online giving through Faith Direct.
Faith Direct is a safe, secure way to support your parish even when you are not able to attend mass on a given Sunday or holy day.
Through either direct debit from your checking/savings account or through your credit card, a contribution can be made directly to the church's bank account.
Sign up at to enroll securely online.
EFT Contributions
Registered parishioners have the opportunity to sign up for EFT payments which are deposited directly into the church’s bank account from the parishioner’s bank account on a monthly basis.
In order to sign-up for this service, please fill the EFT Authorization form out, sign it, and return it to the Parish Business Manager at the Parish Office.
Parishioners who have signed up for this service may want to continue receiving envelopes in order to get the other special collection, holy day, and Diocesan collection envelopes. Please indicate this on your EFT Authorization form.
Bill Pay
Contributions can be set up at the banks of individual contributors through the bill payment system of the banks.
Please see your bank for information on this option.
Stock Donations
Stock donations generally are handled through the Diocesan Finance office.
If you wish to make a stock donation, please contact the Parish Business Manager, to receive the information necessary to initiate this process.
The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.