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Getting Involved in Our Parish
Parish Council
It is not a priest, professional, or program that makes a parish thrive, it's the people. We are to be about something, our lives are meant to be lived for something, and building this parish up is the way we can go about giving our lives over to our God. Our parish council will consist of several mission chairs who will work to keep the parish as a whole on its larger mission to bring all people to Jesus Christ. The mission chairs will consist of evangelization, outreach, education, stewardship, and facility development. The mission chairs will work closely with their parish staff counterpart and any necessary subcommittee to keep every aspect of the parish united in governance and mission.
Additional Information to be posted as available.

Religious Education
Education of our Faith should begin in the early years of life and should begin in the home. We learn as children from our parents, siblings, extended family and community. As Catholic leaders in our community, St. Joseph offers many programs to foster the spiritual growth of youth. Click below to learn about available options for you and your family.

Bereavement Committee
The Bereavement Committee is an expression of sympathy from St. Joseph Parish when a parishioner has a death in their immediate family.
The purpose of the Committee is to express the parish’s sympathy by offering support at the time of death of a family member and extended to all members of the community in the event of the death of an immediate family member.
Please contact Deacon Hudson Henry to volunteer at 859-341-6609 ext. 4022.
Outreach Committee
Our committee organizes various supports various nonprofit organizations in Northern Kentucky and beyond.
The Christian Outreach Committee sends monetary donations to Food for the Poor in Haiti, provides Thanksgiving Food bags to local agencies and residents and provides assistance with the Giving Tree in December
Contacts local non-profit organizations and sets up volunteer opportunities we can do together as a parish.
Jail Ministry
The Jail Ministry Program at Catholic Charities strives to meet the spiritual needs of all who are impacted by the criminal justice process. We work with people who are incarcerated or about to be released from jail or prison, families and friends of the incarcerated, and victims of crime. We emphasize justice and mercy for everyone in our work. We are concerned about the effects of crime and punishment in our society and advocate for justice in these areas, promoting responsibility, rehabilitation, and restoration.
Catholic Charities staff works in partnership with agencies, correctional facilities, and volunteers to develop and support appropriate programs for those who are impacted by the effects of crime and punishment.
If you have a loved one that is incarcerated, we invite you to attend a monthly support group for Friends and Family of the Incarcerated. This is an opportunity to share and offer support in a safe and confidential environment.
Prayer Chain
Provide immediate prayer support via a telephone/email chain.
To become involved with this ministry or receive prayer, call one of the contacts below.
Contact Connie Neiheisel by text 859-630-4674 or email
Contact Angela Finke by phone 859-341-8838.