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Parish Council
Everything that we do at St. Joseph Parish needs to be in service of the mission of Jesus Christ. His mission, passed on to the Church in Matthew 28 is to “Go and make disciples of all the nations…” It is our duty and our salvation to carry this out. Moreover, when we faithfully engage in this holy work of building up faithful friendships, holy families, and beautiful marriages we will see that the Lord blesses us 100 fold. The Lord wills for our parish to be the spiritual leader in this community, and if we faithfully commit ourselves to the holy mission of Christ’s Church, our friends, families, and neighbors will follow us in faith towards heaven.
Individual Mission: Bring 12 people to a living faith in Jesus Christ before you die.

The Ex Officio Members
The Pastor
The pastor is given the duty to teach, sanctify, and govern the local Church in participation with the Bishop’s apostolic ministry. The council serves to advise the Pastor in this ministry and help fulfill it within its designated missions.
The Deacon
The Deacon’s ministry is one of service to the Pastor and to the parish community. The Deacon should lead in communal service and help facilitate opportunities to serve within our parish community.
The Principal
The principal of St. Joseph participates in the pastor’s duty to teach, sanctify, and govern the children entrusted to the parish school. Our school is a primary ministry of the parish and serves to build up the whole parish through a faithful Catholic education and by supporting faithful Catholic families.
The Finance Chair
The chair of the Parish Finance Council is tasked with stewarding and monitoring the temporal goods of the parish in participation with the Pastor’s duty to govern. The Finance Council exists as a necessary ecclesial council sharing in the temporal duties of the parish.
The Elected Chairs
Their mission is to promote and present the Gospel and a positive image of our Parish to our entire community. They work to engage our community through the proclamation of the Gospel, organizing community events, and formation opportunities for the parish.
Their mission is to provide for those in need in our local community and to engage our community in charitable work. They work to reach out to individuals and organizations in material, spiritual, or personal need.
Their mission is to build up the Catholic education of our parish, in the parish school, PREP, and adult education. The Education Chair serves as the head of the Parish Education Commission and assists the Principal in the school’s mission.
Their mission is to build up the Catholic education of our parish, in the parish school, PREP, and adult education. The Education Chair serves as the head of the Parish Education Commission and assists the Principal in the school’s mission.
Facility Development
Their mission is to help coordinate and engage the parish in the development of our campus in coordination with the Parish Master Plan by identifying and helping to execute facility projects.